Are you yearning for a new beginning? To be able to press the reset button on your life and make a fresh start? DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE WITHIN YOU THE TOOLS TO ACHIEVE THE MAGICAL AND MIRACULOUS? Using skills that were familiar to the ancients but lost in the modern world. Did you know that there is a hidden part of your mind that is linked to the most powerful force in the Universe? What if you could tap into that power and not only change your life but also the world around you? You might think that in your humdrum, daily routine you're just a faceless cog in a remorseless machine and wouldn't be missed if you just simply disappeared. How wrong you would be. In this book we don't wallow in airy-fairy theories. We explore the practicalities of how ordinary human beings, like you and me, can become extraordinary. Like those who have discovered how to partner with the Cosmic Mind and create new realities. You will learn how to become supernormal. How to change stress into harmony, sickness into health, failure into success. YOUR JOURNEY TO A NEW YOU STARTS HERE.

Unlock The Psychic Powers Of Your Unconsious Mind
Are you yearning for a new beginning? To be able to press the reset button on your life and make a fresh start? DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE WITHIN YOU THE TOOLS TO ACHIEVE THE MAGICAL AND MIRACULOUS? Using skills that were familiar to the ancients but lost in the modern world. Did you know that there is a hidden part of your mind that is linked to the most powerful force in the Universe? What if you could tap into that power and not only change your life but also the world around you? You might think that in your humdrum, daily routine you're just a faceless cog in a remorseless machine and wouldn't be missed if you just simply disappeared. How wrong you would be. In this book we don't wallow in airy-fairy theories. We explore the practicalities of how ordinary human beings, like you and me, can become extraordinary. Like those who have discovered how to partner with the Cosmic Mind and create new realities. You will learn how to become supernormal. How to change stress into harmony, sickness into health, failure into success. YOUR JOURNEY TO A NEW YOU STARTS HERE.