Empowerment starts with knowledge and understanding. Start your journey towards a more fulfilling life with the aid of an assistance dog with the tips and practical guidance from Jennifer.
In a world where the demand for assistance dogs is on the rise to overcome the challenges of various disabilities, it is crucial to recognize that these remarkable companions are not a universal solution. The trends on social media may paint a rosy picture but the journey towards a harmonious relationship is not a one-size-fits-all situation.
It is a journey that requires careful consideration, understanding, and commitment. In this book, you will find a valuable resource for anyone seeking the benefits of an assistance dog. Within the pages, you will learn the roadmap to empowerment, for you and your companion.
In this book, you will learn:
- Identify which trained skills an assistance dog could provide to mitigate the effects of your disability.
- Determine whether you can form a mutually beneficial relationship with an assistance dog.
- The many factors to consider, including considerations for your ability to care for the dog, your lifestyle, your support system, home, work, school, other personal factors, etc.
- Decide-if it turns out that an assistance dog can assist your disability and you can form a mutually beneficial relationship-what method of getting and working with an assistance dog is best for you.
This book is not your typical guide. It is a transformative and powerful tool that will help you to navigate your capacity to care and provide mutual support for your assistance dog. To learn more, get a copy now!