"Undermine The Status Quo!" is a decibel-blazing odyssey of lyrics and photos by Rod Swenson, maestro behind the chaos, Plasmatics/W.O.W. creator, lyricist, and photographer/designer and SO of the late, legendary heavy metal queen, Wendy O. Williams. Witness the unrestrained power through unseen snapshots and 210 explosive, pulsating pages of lyrics from each Plasmatics and W.O.W. album. Collected for the first time in a face-melting hardback for all you headbangers out there. You know who you are!
"Undermine The Status Quo!" is a decibel-blazing odyssey of lyrics and photos by Rod Swenson, maestro behind the chaos, Plasmatics/W.O.W. creator, lyricist, and photographer/designer and SO of the late, legendary heavy metal queen, Wendy O. Williams. Witness the unrestrained power through unseen snapshots and 210 explosive, pulsating pages of lyrics from each Plasmatics and W.O.W. album. Collected for the first time in a face-melting hardback for all you headbangers out there. You know who you are!