TUBAL'S MILL. A Legacy Lived Through The Round Of Life: A History of The Robert Cochrane Tradition

TUBAL'S MILL. A Legacy Lived Through The Round Of Life: A History of The Robert Cochrane Tradition

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" The Faith is a belief concerned with the inner nature of devotion, and finally with the

nature of mysticism and mystical experience. It has, in common with all great religions,

an inner experience that is greater than the exterior world. It is a discipline that creates

from the world an enriched inward vision. It can and does embrace the totality of human

experience from birth to death, then beyond. It creates within the human spirit a light that

brightens all darkness, and which can never again be extinguished. It is never fully forgotten

and never fully remembered. The True Faith is the life of the follower, without it he is

nothing, with it he has contained something of all creation: . Robert Cochrane

We the People of Goda tell that history - our history. For the first time in five decades

the Robert Cochrane Tradition offers its autobiography as lived in the 'Round'

by the Clan of Tubal Cain.

From the Clan's inception in 1963 to fruition, and through into maturity, we continue to

grow in wisdom.

Through generation we thrive.

Through death we are 'gathered up home again.'

Through Faith, we are born again amongst our own.

"As such the Faith is a way of life different and distinct from any theory promulgated by the

authorities or historians." Robert Cochrane

Candid and challenging, revealing and profound, we present this,

our humble tale to the reader..... would ye know more?..........

The Autobiography of

the Clan of Tubal Cain

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