The Truth Is Beyond Belief!: Some thoughts to make you think about the power of your thoughts...

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!: Some thoughts to make you think about the power of your thoughts...

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The world is divided into those people

who believe they are right.

This means our conflicts are not

actually between right and wrong,

but between (perceived) right and right!

And although beliefs can create

a bridge to higher understanding,

they can also keep us locked within

our own limited perceptions.

The good news is that even though the

world may appear to be problematic,

the deeper Truth is that Life's

Perfection lies just beyond our belief

in it's (seeming) imperfection.

Seek not to change the world, seek first

to change the way you see the world.

You will realize it is not an ideal world,

where no one gets sick, gets old or dies,

but it is a Perfect world.

Reflect upon your absolute good

fortune to be alive.

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