The Transition reads like a journey of a young man toward his academic and career goals. In many ways, the journey can be characterized as semiautobiographical. Several aspects of the childhood to adolescence to adulthood saga may be fictional. However, many aspects of the journey are factual and historical. Intertwined between the storylines is an evolving collage of early protest scenarios and romantic experiences framed in poetic style. In many ways, the collection represents an autobiographical sketch in romance. It begins by providing snapshots of the author's early relationships and evolves to romantic accounts experienced in adulthood.
The Transition features thirteen premium royalty-free images. The Transition has a traditional table of contents, a second one, titled "Musical Inspiration" (which includes QR Codes), and a third, titled "Photographic Images." The thirteen images are presented at the beginning and end of each of the six chapters. Including the cover, thirteen images were selected from Getty Images and iStock photographic resources on the website.
In the short run, the author envisions that the collection will be made available in electronic, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook forms. In the long run, the author anticipates that it might be possible to package the saga into a Hollywood movie production.