Toward Climate-Resilient Roads: Climate Change Adaptation Measures for the Road Sector in Timor-Leste

Toward Climate-Resilient Roads: Climate Change Adaptation Measures for the Road Sector in Timor-Leste

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Extreme rainfall events in Timor-Leste have caused extensive damage to road sections, highlighting the critical need to address climate change risks at all stages of road infrastructure development, including design, construction, and maintenance.

An Asian Development Bank technical assistance project assessed the climate impact on Timor-Leste's road sector and identified appropriate climate adaptation measures. This study proposes methodologies that national engineers can employ to identify possible causes of damage to roads and bridges, emphasizing adaptation measures tailored to the country's specific context. It offers strategies for the effective implementation of these measures. The assessment detailed in this report covers 10 road sections and 4 bridges in Timor-Leste.

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