Touch for Health (R) (TFH) is an easy, simple, safe system of kinesiology (muscle-testing, and acupressure energy balancing) with goal-setting and creative visualization to help you: - Clarify your Personal Vision- Clear mental/emotional/ physical and energetic blocks- Relieve pain and release tension & Balance your energy flow to enhance your personal bests, achieve more consistent and frequent peak performances and reach your life goals.The Five Element Metaphors from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been in development and use for 5,000 years! These are symbolic associations with the seasons, climate, phases in the life cycle, as well as the 5 Senses and emotions.Each Life Energy pathway in the body (Meridians) is associated with an Element, and Organ Function, and a paired Yin or Yang Energy pathway related to the same Element. In the TFH system, we balance the muscles to improve physical posture, and general function of the whole body/ whole person. We also associate each muscle to one of the major 14 Meridians from TCM, and we can use the Meridian flow, and specific Meridian Acupressure Points to balance the muscles as well as the Life Energy flow and overall function of the person, energetically, structurally, physiologically, mentally, emotionally. TFH is available to ALL people, without regard to prior training. We do not do any medical or TCM diagnosis, prescription, or "treatment". Rather we support the person to explore and balance multiple aspects of their functioning and experiencing of daily life. Considering pains, challenges, worries, aspirations and goals Metaphorically, not only keeps us from making any kind of diagnosis without the proper training/ licensing, it also "opens the door to the Soul", putting us in contact with our deepest meanings, becoming more aware of our own situation and experience. This self-awareness greatly enhances the balancing process, but also brings more color, meaning and purpose to our daily lives. The book gives some basic explanations of the balancing procedures. We invite you to join a TFH Workshop to learn and practice the concepts and techniques of TFH. For the authors schedule, check, for other instructors in USA check, Internationally check
Touch for Health (R) (TFH) is an easy, simple, safe system of kinesiology (muscle-testing, and acupressure energy balancing) with goal-setting and creative visualization to help you: - Clarify your Personal Vision- Clear mental/emotional/ physical and energetic blocks- Relieve pain and release tension & Balance your energy flow to enhance your personal bests, achieve more consistent and frequent peak performances and reach your life goals.The Five Element Metaphors from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been in development and use for 5,000 years! These are symbolic associations with the seasons, climate, phases in the life cycle, as well as the 5 Senses and emotions.Each Life Energy pathway in the body (Meridians) is associated with an Element, and Organ Function, and a paired Yin or Yang Energy pathway related to the same Element. In the TFH system, we balance the muscles to improve physical posture, and general function of the whole body/ whole person. We also associate each muscle to one of the major 14 Meridians from TCM, and we can use the Meridian flow, and specific Meridian Acupressure Points to balance the muscles as well as the Life Energy flow and overall function of the person, energetically, structurally, physiologically, mentally, emotionally. TFH is available to ALL people, without regard to prior training. We do not do any medical or TCM diagnosis, prescription, or "treatment". Rather we support the person to explore and balance multiple aspects of their functioning and experiencing of daily life. Considering pains, challenges, worries, aspirations and goals Metaphorically, not only keeps us from making any kind of diagnosis without the proper training/ licensing, it also "opens the door to the Soul", putting us in contact with our deepest meanings, becoming more aware of our own situation and experience. This self-awareness greatly enhances the balancing process, but also brings more color, meaning and purpose to our daily lives. The book gives some basic explanations of the balancing procedures. We invite you to join a TFH Workshop to learn and practice the concepts and techniques of TFH. For the authors schedule, check, for other instructors in USA check, Internationally check