This commentary, written in English, will make enjoyable reading, not only in the study of the weekly Torah portions, but also in the interpretations
and nuances of those portions.
Rabbi Harvey J. Fields has devised an interesting and informative strategy for teaching and reading the Five Books of Moses. For each
parashah, or Torah portion, there are several tactics employed: A brief overview tells the story of the text; the next section, called "Our Targum,"
is a detailed translation by Rabbi Fields into the language we use today; the themes of the portion are then presented; the next section consists of
the author's commentary, one perek or segment at a time, examining each individual theme, with boxed material to enrich the reader with new
insights and ideas for each segment; "Questions for Study and Discussion" to stimulate the reader's understanding conclude the strategy.
Throughout the book are the views, interpretations, and comments of illustrious commentators, ancient and modern, in addition to those of
the author.