To the Thirsty

To the Thirsty

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It's Time To Go Deeper Into God!

To the Thirsty is an invitation to begin the process of going deeper with God to discover the faith and spiritual journey He desires for you to take. This journey begins as you respond to that invitation and pursue God with an unquenchable hunger and thirst. Come to the well like the Samaritan woman and encounter Jesus.

Many don't understand that His presence is an actual place called the "Secret Place," and not just a metaphor for imagining God during prayer. How do I know this? Because, I had that mindset until I encountered Him. I thought because of everything I was doing, I had a relationship with God. This book is about my journey after God told me, "There's more." That realization started my quest into discovery, revelation, and real relationship with Him.

A lot of times we get stuck on the surface of Christianity because we don't know about this "more," or we're afraid because it doesn't fit in our Christian box. This book will help you understand each layer of going deeper and how each one prepares us for the next one, becoming a natural progression of divine order.

When we go through each layer with God, He heals, transforms, awakens, equips, and uses us to live out our calling. I believe you will experience less frustration in your walk, gain an understanding of where you are on your journey, and be more confident in whom God has called you to be. To the Thirsty will show you how to:

- Overcome stagnation in your faith by moving beyond surface religion.

- Grow in prayer and worship as the keys to unlocking the depths of faith.

- Walk in a new identity and authority based on representing Jesus.

- Become aware of the different ways God may be speaking to you.

- Seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and live a life of resurrection power.

- Enter into intimacy with God as you encounter Him in His presence.

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