Time Bomber is a powerful and intriguing story set primarily in World War II France during the final days before and after D-Day. While vividly depicting the bravery, sacrifice and human experience of soldiers who fought for the Allied nations, the author expands the story into the realm of "time travel," providing a fascinating look at the "what ifs" of the work being done by scientists during that era. Included in that group is Dr. Willem Jacob van Stockum, whose life and work inspired this book. Although Time Bomber is a work of fiction, Dr. van Stockum was a real-life figure. A brilliant mathematics professor who has been called "one of the fathers of time travel," he was also one of the brave soldiers who fought in the War against the Nazis.
Time Bomber is a powerful and intriguing story set primarily in World War II France during the final days before and after D-Day. While vividly depicting the bravery, sacrifice and human experience of soldiers who fought for the Allied nations, the author expands the story into the realm of "time travel," providing a fascinating look at the "what ifs" of the work being done by scientists during that era. Included in that group is Dr. Willem Jacob van Stockum, whose life and work inspired this book. Although Time Bomber is a work of fiction, Dr. van Stockum was a real-life figure. A brilliant mathematics professor who has been called "one of the fathers of time travel," he was also one of the brave soldiers who fought in the War against the Nazis.