Thoughts and Perils of a Baby

Thoughts and Perils of a Baby

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Thoughts and Perils of a Baby shows how serious abortions are. They not only take the life of a baby but also affect the life of the woman having the abortion, the family of both parents and other people around her. An abortion not only stops a heartbeat, which starts by the second month of pregnancy, but can also possibly affect the woman for the rest of her life.

Thoughts and Perils of a Baby shows there are other alternatives to abortion like adoption. I believe and show the unborn has a right to life just like we do. I use scripture and research to prove this fact. The unborn (baby) is not part of the mother's body. In some cases, the baby can have a different blood type than the mother. We are all human beings and have a right to live.

In Thoughts and Perils of a Baby, I list the types of abortions and how they can affect the woman having the abortion. I list ways that some people have to use like artificial means to survive to no fault of their own. This is to show everyone has a right to life.

Read this book and then come away with your own opinion. Is the unborn a baby or not?

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