In THINGS KIDS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GOD, we'll explore more about God as a loving Father, friend, and shepherd. This guide is designed to help you build a stronger relationship with God as you discover more about prayer, forgiveness, and acts of service. You'll also learn about spiritual growth and how to inspire other people with your faith. You don't have to wait until you're an adult to help your community or be more active in your church.
In this book, you'll discover:
- God's teachings and promisesHow to live a Christian lifestyleThe power of prayerCommon questions and answersAll about Christian holidays and traditionsWays to get involved in your community
No matter what else you take away from this book, remember that God loves you and designed you according to His plan. That's why every person you meet is special and unique in some way. Whenever you're searching for God's presence, take a look at the world around you and appreciate the beauty and diversity of God's creation.