"This is a very accomplished and very complex first book by a poet who can be said to be, already, of considerable importance." -Martin Duwell, Australian Poetry Review, on The Incoming Tide
"Among our poets, I was moved by Petra White with the intense inwardness attained in her near-collected A Hunger." -Chris Wallace-Crabbe, The Sydney Morning Herald, Books of the Year 2015
"'How the Temple was Built' is not an easy poem to describe. Suffice to say that it has something in common with Arthur Boyd's biblical paintings and, arguably, with Ted Hughes's book-length poem Crow... it is satisfyingly physical and meta-physical at the same time." -Geoff Page, The Australian, on Reading for a Quiet Morning
"Petra White's 'Ode on the End' is hectically imperilled - 'He gives/you the necks of your enemies/(fear must have foes)./He draws up a battle/where perhaps there was only a soul'. Her work is often Rilkean internal interrogation, with emphatic alliteration, but there are also finely executed portraits such as 'Older Sister' - 'chore-hungry and chore-fed ... Her fingers fly, her eyes are stone'. -Gig Ryan, The Sydney Morning Herald, on Thirty Australian Poets