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Linzi Garcia can be found frolicking through sunflower fields, cemeteries, and bars across the states. She has been featured in Treading Unique Paths: Young Writers Anthol-ogy (VerbalEyze Press, 2016), 50 Haikus: Issue #12 (Prolific Press, 2017), and on the Philosophical Idiot poetry website (November, 2017). If you're lucky, you can even find a haiku of hers in the gumball machine at The Raven Book Store in Lawrence or perhaps hidden in a nook in a tree near you. Linzi currently resides in Lindsborg, Kansas, dreaming of Lawrence Ferlinghetti and New Orleans. She is always looking for invitations to new places where she can absorb new poetry, perspective, incomparable experiences, and quality whiskey.

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