Stop that immediately shouted Kramer Senior as he raced across the room toward me, sparks shot out of the base plug and the lights went out in the entire house. You guessed it, my interest and infatuation with electricity, began at a very early age. Forks and electric receptacles are meant to go together.My interest in electricity was partially encouraged by my father who was an electrical engineer and was working for a municipal electric power company.
As I grew up, birthday and Christmas gifts at an early age involved electrical products, but focused on those that had educational value. Many of the gifts came from a company called HealthKit. At the time, they made the world's finest kits for radios, amplifiers, and shortwave, where you can build professional quality electronics equipment yourself, even if you have little or no experience, but as my father raced across the room, the lights went out, he stumbled on a chair and swore to teach me a lesson I would never forget.
My knowledge and interest in electricity took off like a rocket headed toward Mars.
In the first chapter, you will be introduced to Eddie Current, who will be your guide thorough this complex maze. starting with the Theory Of Electricity, and then on to the challenges of electricity and Climate Change.
Lets start by introducing "Eddie Current."
Growing up is a tough situation for electrons. Eddie Current at an early age of about 8 told his dad, Ready Kilowatt, that he wanted to be a pirate when he grew up. Dad was quite surprised 'cause most young electrons at that age wanted to be cowboys or firemen. Thank goodness dad did not take him seriously and set a schedule for peg leg surgery and an eye removal!
Then we learn that with the sophisticated electrical tools that we have at our ready hand, like a laser that can be used by surgeons in eye ball surgery or by the military in vaporizing tanks, we need to create instruction manuals needed to be rewritten to include instructions to change the power setting from "Vaporize Bulldozer" to "Delicate-Eye Surgery" depending on the task at hand.
This book has a great amount authenticated detail, awesome wit and factual references, a lot of photos, and with portions bordering on a deep dive into disinformation. It is the Theory Of Electricity. In the first chapter, you will be introduced to Eddie Current, who will be your guide thorough this complex maze. starting with the T O E, and then on to the challenges of electricity and Climate Change.
The purpose of this book is to have some fun, laugh at some of the absurdities of the climatologists and our governmental bodies, and to gain a bit of knowledge about our powerful energy sources and uses.