Targum Jonathan of the Prophet Isaiah in English Translation: With an introduction and footnotes explaining important words and phrases in the Aramaic

Targum Jonathan of the Prophet Isaiah in English Translation: With an introduction and footnotes explaining important words and phrases in the Aramaic

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JONATHAN BEN UZIEL, the author of the Aramaic Translation of the major and minor Prophets lived thirty years before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was a disciple of Hillel. This author is held by the Jews in the highest esteem. His Translation is considered by the Synagogue as inspired. This Aramaic Translation contains the doctrines of Christianity, expressed and enforced in the plainest language.

The unprejudiced Jew by reading this Aramaic Targum in English Translation will see, that we Christians believe in no other salvation, than that which their fathers expected the Messiah should bring. If the doctrines of Jonathan Ben Uziel are considered by the Synagogue to be inspired, it follows that the present Jewish faith cannot be the faith of their fathers.

We beg every Israelite to emancipate himself from all imbibed prejudices, and to search the Scriptures with the Translation of Jonathan Ben Uziel in his hands, that he may see whether our Christian faith is not the faith of their fathers, before it degenerated through the traditions of the elders.

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