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Dan holds a couple of patents and authored a book titled THE TRUTH ABOUT FIREARMS AND CONCEALED CARRY, ISBN# 978-1-64367-903-7. Dan wrote the book to educate people on the proper selection and use of firearms, holsters and so-forth, for the inexperienced as well as the experienced. If you learn just one thing that saves your life, then buying the book was well worth the effort. It can be ordered through any book store or on Amazon for $12.99. It's 265 pages can be read in about a week.

With the cost of targets being high and getting higher, I figured I'd help out and create targets where the book can be opened and laid on a copy machine while you run off as many as you might want for just a few cents each as compared to paying several dollars each or more. These targets are suitable for any

firearm, whether it be a rifle, shotgun, or a handgun but be careful not to resize the ones with lines on them because they are calibrated for 1" increments.

Happy Shooting!

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