In the heart of Bamnai Forest, a young fox demon named Nari faces her greatest challenge yet: infiltrating a human village on a daring raid. Nari's nerves are on edge as she follows her skulk, but chaos erupts when the night's mission is not what she expected. Amidst the turmoil, Nari tries to escape in her terror and follows Chul, her Den brother, pursuing a human into the depths of the forest.
Driven by loyalty and courage, Nari leaps into action, only to discover that the human is a cunning fox trapper. In a desperate struggle, Nari absorbs one thousand stray souls that turn her into a human.
Trapped in her human form and unable to return to the Fox Den, Nari's destiny takes an unexpected turn. She must embark on a perilous journey to Sanoul where she will relinquish the soul beads to the Heavenly Fox and return to her true form. But she can't accomplish this task alone; she needs a human companion to guide her through the path ahead.
Tetsu, a survivor who has been on the brink of death before, is grateful when Nari saves his life but quickly discovers that she is anything but a normal girl. When Nari follows him and decides to join the trappers, Tetsu finds himself uneasy at her presence. Though he is content among the trappers, he still wonders what happened to his estranged mother. When he begins to receive strange letters from his dead father, Tetsu finally decides to discover the truth about himself.
But navigating a fallen, hopeless world is not without trouble.