Tano Ceremonies, Myths, Rituals & Zems: Los tanos y sus ceremonias, mitos, rituales y zems

Tano Ceremonies, Myths, Rituals & Zems: Los tanos y sus ceremonias, mitos, rituales y zems

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This simply written, amply illustrated bilingual book about Classic Tano ceremonies, myths, rituals, and zems (spirit guides) is for today's Tano descendants and those of the future, as well as for anyone with a thirst to know more about the Indigenous people who discovered Christopher Columbus and his men when the Europeans landed on the shores of their Caribbean islands in 1492 The book is not meant to answer all the questions that you may have about the Classic Tano lifestyles, cultural beliefs, and achievements. Instead, it's to help you and your loved ones learn about some of the basics of Classic Tano culture, about how they lived and what they believed, and to help you formulate questions that might lead to more research about the Tano of the past and present.

"Classic Tano" is used to identify most of the Indigenous peoples of the Greater Antilles, which include today's islands of Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Republic of Haiti), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Turks and Caicos, and the Bahamas. For more than 500 years it was believed that all the Indigenous peoples of the Upper Caribbean became extinct between the 1530s and 1550s. Fortunately, their extinction has recently (late 20th century) been proven to be a detestable historical falsehood. Today, thousands of Tano descendants, who are of mixed Indigenous, European, and African blood lines, are discovering and reclaiming their Tano ancestry, history, culture, and language, which have been denied them for so long.

The author, Lynne A. Guitar, earned simultaneous B.A.s from Michigan State University in Colonial Latin American History and Cultural Anthropology, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in the same fields from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Guitar has lived, worked, and done research for the past 30+ years in the U.S.A., Spain (half a year), Portugal, Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico (for nearly a year), and the Dominican Republic (for more than 20 years). Dr. Guitar is an adopted member of the Indigenous research group known as Higuayagua Tano of the Caribbean and is a member of several of their councils. Dr. Guitar retired in 2016 and now lives in Central Florida, where she writes both fiction and non-fiction books about the Tano. Eleven of her books-with this one 12-are currently available on Amazon.com... and there are more to come.

Este libro bilinge, escrito con sencillez y ampliamente ilustrado sobre ceremonias, mitos, rituales y zems clsicos tanos (guas espirituales) es para los descendientes de los tanos de hoy y los del futuro, as como para cualquier persona con una sed de saber ms sobre los pueblos indgenas que descubrieron a Cristbal Coln y sus hombres cuando los europeos desembarcaron en las costas de sus islas caribeas en1492. El libro no pretende responder todas las preguntas que puedan tener sobre los tanos clsicos, sus estilos de vida, creencias culturales y logros. En cambio, es para ayudarlo a usted y a sus seres queridos a aprender sobre algunos de los conceptos bsicos de la cultura tana clsica, sobre cmo vivan y en qu crean, y para ayudarlo a formular preguntas que podran conducir a ms investigaciones sobre los tanos del pasado y el presente.

Usamos "tanos clsicos" para identificar a la mayora de los pueblos indgenas de las Antillas Mayores, que incluyen las islas actuales de Cuba, La Espaola (Repblica Dominicana y Repblica de Hait), Puerto Rico, Jamaica, los Turcos. y Caicos y las Bahamas. Durante ms de 500 aos se crey que todos los pueblos indgenas del Caribe se extinguieron entre las dcadas de 1530 y 1550. Afortunadamente, recientemente (finales del siglo XX) se ha demostrado que su extincin es una falsedad histrica detestable. Hoy en da, miles de descendientes de los tanos, en su mayora de linajes mixtos indgenas, europeos y africanos, estn descubriendo y reclamando su ascendencia, historia, cultura y len

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