A Sure Foundation: God, Man, And Salvation

A Sure Foundation: God, Man, And Salvation

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The study of God's word is a lifetime pursuit, a gentle, enduring passion worthy of your best effort.

But where is the love and harmony that should characterize discourse between Christians?

God's word, which ought to unite us, is too often the source of strife and contention.

One reason for this discord is a lack of scriptural knowledge: having only a fragmentary understanding of God's word, we allow tradition, philosophy, and opinion to replace scripture as the basis of our beliefs.

In A Sure Foundation, Dave Proulx introduces "comprehensive context" the concept that when we prayerfully study all of God's word on a subject, misunderstanding and contention are greatly diminished.

As Jesus taught, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4).

The author explores three general topics using comprehensive context: the nature of God, the nature of humanity, and the many aspects of salvation. Each chapter includes a list of citations containing everything the scriptures say on the topic. No selection, no filtering, no favorites; just a sky-wide view of everything in God's word regarding that subject, placing every doctrine in the context of a totality of scripture.

A Sure Foundation: God, Man, and Salvation will forever change the way you use scripture. So grab a hot mug and settle down for hours of immersive study. Expand your understanding of God's word with the help of the Holy Spirit. Deepen your love and appreciation for our Father in heaven and for our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Your time will be well spent and amply rewarded.

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