I wrote this book to encourage women to understand our strength, weakness, and most of all to show that God can use anyone to glorify him. We must remember he loves each of us and he created woman to be a help mate to man. There are so many ways for women to learn and experience what our strength and how to use them in a positive way. This book can also show that there is nothing new in this world that we see today that can't be forgiven by God. God knows our intentions before we do them. When we commit a sin, does he know what's in our heart? Yes, this is why he gave his only son to die for our sins. To give us away back to him (God) through his son, Jesus Christ. When we get married, we become one, not the head but a single unit in the eyes of God. That's why he tells a man to leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
I wrote this book to encourage women to understand our strength, weakness, and most of all to show that God can use anyone to glorify him. We must remember he loves each of us and he created woman to be a help mate to man. There are so many ways for women to learn and experience what our strength and how to use them in a positive way. This book can also show that there is nothing new in this world that we see today that can't be forgiven by God. God knows our intentions before we do them. When we commit a sin, does he know what's in our heart? Yes, this is why he gave his only son to die for our sins. To give us away back to him (God) through his son, Jesus Christ. When we get married, we become one, not the head but a single unit in the eyes of God. That's why he tells a man to leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).