This story paper is suitable for young and older children to draw and write their stories. The paper has measured space at the top for a title and a box for sketching your story, and lines below the box to start the flow of your story. The page is 8.5'' x 11'' in size in a black and white interior paper with a matte cover. The 50 double-sided story sheets are also perfect for newbie and experienced writers. Your story begins here!
This story paper is suitable for young and older children to draw and write their stories. The paper has measured space at the top for a title and a box for sketching your story, and lines below the box to start the flow of your story. The page is 8.5'' x 11'' in size in a black and white interior paper with a matte cover. The 50 double-sided story sheets are also perfect for newbie and experienced writers. Your story begins here!