Starting Your International School: A Handbook for Sustainable Start-up Success

Starting Your International School: A Handbook for Sustainable Start-up Success

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Every school is unique! It sounds like a truism, but it's a truth that every school start-up needs to respect. And it doesn't matter how many schools you've already opened; the next one will be different. After all, that's the whole beauty of schools, isn't it? They evolve and develop their own special character. This is particularly true in international education where there is a fiercely competitive market, and the most successful schools will be those that most authentically fit their local eco-system and context. And that's why this book is so essential! Chapter by chapter, this thought-provoking in-depth exploration of all stages of opening a new international school takes you to the heart of the challenges you will face. There are answers, derived from the successful experiences of school leaders who have great track records in this area, but more importantly, here you will find the 'right questions' to ask yourself in this process. Through this process of supporting and challenging you to develop as a school leader, school owner or school governor, the authors believe they can help you to open a sustainable school with an enduring global legacy.

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