Stalemate: Book 6 of the Axis Alternate Series

Stalemate: Book 6 of the Axis Alternate Series

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The year is 1941, and the war has morphed into a stalemate.

The Axis powers: Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union
The Allied powers: British Empire, United States of America, Japan

Axis armies are all over the map, and yet they are fighting against determined foes all across the globe. Germany and the Soviet Union still hold the strategic initiative, but they are having serious trouble conquering the outlying areas under Allied control in Asia and Africa.

In French North Africa, the Wehrmacht is blocked in front of a small town in the Atlas Mountains called Oujda, and the Allies fight for every inch of ground there. German General Von Arnim's forces are at the very end of a long and difficult line of supply and are not able to break through the enemy's defense.

The same is true just a little to the North, where American General Patton holds a tenuous defensive line along the old and revamped Napoleonic defensive works of Torres Vedras in Portugal. The fight there is difficult for both sides, but the Allies hang on to dear life at their last bit of European soil.

Another hard and difficult battle that will decide the fate of Eastern Africa is being fought in Egypt, with the Axis closing in from both sides. The Germans, under dynamic General Erwin Rommel, advance for the attack at a small Egyptian town called El Alamein, while the Germano-Soviet forces of the Axis Middle Eastern Armies are poised to attack across the Suez Canal from the Sinai Peninsula.

In British India, things are turning sour for the Red Army, with a general Indian civilian population uprising and a disaster in Afghanistan. The Soviets are reeling back under the blows and a complete evacuation of Afghan lands.

In Asia, the stalemate continues with heavy fighting on the Allied Yalu-Tumen River Line and the Japanese-occupied Vladivostok fortress. As the Axis are about to launch an offensive in both areas, the fate of mainland Asia hangs in the balance.

The Axis flags stans from France to Manchuria and from Spain to Libya, and yet the Axis is struggling to land the finishing stroke. Resources are scarce, and supplying all those armies is not easy as they are all at the end of long and arduous supply lines.

Amidst all this fighting emerges heroes on both sides, from U-boat commanders to British fighter pilots and Russian-Japanese soldiers. They strive to survive and win, and this is also their story.

The war has reached a stalemate, but the Axis forces have not yet given up on destroying the Allies in Asia, Egypt, Portugal and French North Africa.

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