St. Rose of Lima: The Flower of the New World

St. Rose of Lima: The Flower of the New World

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Introduction by the Very Rev Father J. Proctor, O.P. 5 Note of Books Consulted 11 I. Prologue: Birth and Baptism of St Rose 12 II. St Rose's Childhood 19 III. How She Began to Love and Follow St Catherine of Siena 27 IV. Her Victory Over Vanity 32 V. Rose's Domestic Life 37 VI. The Penitential Practices of the Saint's Girlhood 41 VII. How She Took the Habit of St Dominic 48 VIII. Her Garden Cell and How She Lived There 52 IX. Of Rose's Special Devotions and Charities: How She was Endowed with a Prophetic Spirit and How She Gained Graces for Her Native City 62 X. Of the Saint's Increased Penances and of the Miraculous Help She had in Them, Of Her Many Illnesses and Her Interior Trials 70 XI.How Heavenly and Divine Visitants Frequented Her Cell and How She was Mystically Espoused to Christ. 80 XII. How Rose of St Mary Died 89 XIII. What Happened After Rose's Death 97 THE pages which these words introduce to the reader are a graceful tribute from a Dominican Tertiary in the Old World to a Dominican Tertiary of the New World; they are at the same time a message from a sainted Tertiary of the New World to Tertiaries aiming at sanctity, outside the cloister and within the cloister, both in the Old World and in the New. May they help to knit together in closer bonds of greater practical faith and stronger fraternal love the members of the Third Order of St. Dominic here and there; for they are all of the same spiritual kith and kin, and all, though separated by seas, are of one flesh and one blood, and all speak the same English mother-tongue in which this book is written. Seas not only separate kingdoms and continents, they unite them as well; they are not walls of division, but links and bonds of union. St. Raymund of Pennafort defied the waves, by crossing the sea on his cappa, or cloak. We can cross seas and mountains and deserts and plains with out even a miraculous cloak; we are carried on the wings of thought and love. Many waters cannot quench charity, neither can rivers drown it, nor can they be a barrier to its development and extension. English-speaking Tertiaries throughout the world are members of the same family, ruled by the same laws, helped by the same traditions, influenced by the example of the same saints, and encouraged everywhere by the same Dominican spirit. A Dominican saint is the saint, not of a country, but of the Order and of the Church; not the Saint of an age, but of all time. St. Rose, though a child of America, and a native of sunny Lima, is a Dominican and a Catholic saint. This life will aid in making her known as such on both sides of the great Atlantic Sea.
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