- Getting started: understanding what relational databases are, and ensuring that your database structures are sound
- SQL basics: using SELECT statements, creating expressions, sorting information with ORDER BY, and filtering data using WHERE
- Summarizing and grouping data with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
- Drawing data from multiple tables: using INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, and UNION operators, and working with subqueries
- Modifying data sets with UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements
- Advanced queries: complex NOT and AND, conditions, if-then-else using CASE, unlinked tables, driver tables, and more
- NEW! Using advanced GROUP BY keywords to create subtotals, roll-ups, and more
- NEW! Applying window functions to answer more sophisticated questions, and gain deeper insight into your data
If you work with database software such as Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Ingres, or any other SQL-based program, this book could save you hours of time and aggravation--before you write a single query!