During the Revolutionary War, an unsuspecting woman named Anna Smith Strong became one of America's most wanted spies. In this action-packed graphic novel, follow Strong's brilliant plan of passing communications to George Washington's Continental Army. To keep the information secret from British soldiers, this brave Patriot hung out her laundry--including her famous petticoats--in a specific pattern, a coded message for her allies. With fast-paced text and full-color illustrations, this nonfiction graphic novel showcases the courage and quick thinking of one of history's unsung heroes.
During the Revolutionary War, an unsuspecting woman named Anna Smith Strong became one of America's most wanted spies. In this action-packed graphic novel, follow Strong's brilliant plan of passing communications to George Washington's Continental Army. To keep the information secret from British soldiers, this brave Patriot hung out her laundry--including her famous petticoats--in a specific pattern, a coded message for her allies. With fast-paced text and full-color illustrations, this nonfiction graphic novel showcases the courage and quick thinking of one of history's unsung heroes.