"The Spaceship Novel" is the account of a determined man, Jason, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He builds a vehicle capable of taking him to a mountain wilderness where he can survive the perils of a doomed Earth. Later, now called Gabriel, he seeks a way to escape entirely from the planet. He is a man who is never satisfied. His obsessive love for a woman, and his relentless pursuit of his dreams result in life altering repercussion...
"The Spaceship Novel" is the account of a determined man, Jason, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He builds a vehicle capable of taking him to a mountain wilderness where he can survive the perils of a doomed Earth. Later, now called Gabriel, he seeks a way to escape entirely from the planet. He is a man who is never satisfied. His obsessive love for a woman, and his relentless pursuit of his dreams result in life altering repercussion...