YA No Quiero Ser Valiente (Novela Crimen Real) / I Don't Want to Be Brave Anymore (True Crime Novel)

YA No Quiero Ser Valiente (Novela Crimen Real) / I Don't Want to Be Brave Anymore (True Crime Novel)

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Este libro empez a escribirse mucho antes de que siquiera se esbozara su indignante y atroz argumento. Comenz a echar races desde el da en que la narradora descubri en el peridico una palabra sucia y oscura: Feminicidio . Un libro que saba iba a consumirla, a fragmentarla y que, despus, por ms que tratara, no podra pegar las partes de nuevo. Pero, aun as, tena que escribirlo...

Brutal, conmovedor y honesto, Ya no quiero ser valiente rene los testimonios de los feminicidios de Ftima, Mariana, Renata, Mch Pamela, Jalix y Ana. Retrato doloroso de lo que sucede da a da en Mxico, Mariana Morfn --joven escritora mexicana que debuta con un libro urgente y necesario-- le da voz a cada una de las vctimas en una impactante mezcla de ficcin y realidad, logrando que el lector se una al grito de justicia, que no es otro que estamos hartas de vivir con miedo y ya no queremos ser valientes, queremos que las mujeres vivan con libertad .


This book began to be written long before its outrageous and atrocious plot was even outlined. It began to take root from the day the narrator discovered a dirty and dark word in the newspaper: "Femicide." A book that I knew was going to consume it, to fragment it and that, later, no matter how hard I tried, I could not glue the parts back together. But even so, I had to write it...

Brutal, moving and honest, Ya no quiero ser valiente (I don't want to be brave anymore) brings together the testimonies of the femicides of Ftima, Mariana, Renata, Mch Pamela, Jalix and Ana. A painful portrait of what happens day by day in Mexico, Mariana Morfn - a young Mexican writer who debuts with an urgent and necessary book - gives voice to each of the victims in a shocking mixture of fiction and reality, getting the reader to join the cry for justice, which is none other than "we are tired of living in fear and we no longer want to be brave, we want women to live freely."

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