Volver La Vista Atrs / Retrospective

Volver La Vista Atrs / Retrospective

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Ganador del Premio Bienal de Novela Vargas Llosa 2021

«Pens que los recuerdos eran invisibles como la luz, y as como el humo haca que la luz se viera, deba haber una forma de que fueran visibles los recuerdos.

En octubre de 2016, el director de cine colombiano Sergio Cabrera asiste en Barcelona a una retrospectiva de sus pelculas. Es un momento difcil: su padre, Fausto Cabrera, acaba de morir; su matrimonio est en crisis, y su pas ha rechazado unos acuerdos de paz que le habran permitido terminar con ms de cincuenta aos de guerra.

A lo largo de unos das reveladores, Sergio ir recordando los hechos que marcaron su vida y la de su padre. De la guerra civil espaola al exilio en Amrica de su familia republicana, de la China de la Revolucin Cultural a los movimientos armados de los aos sesenta, el lector asistir a una vida que es mucho ms que una gran aventura: es una imagen de medio siglo de historia que trastorn al mundo entero.

Volver la vista atrs cuenta hechos reales, pero slo en manos de un novelista magistral como Vsquez poda convertirse en este retrato devastador de una familia arrastrada por las fuerzas de la historia. Una fascinante investigacin social y a la vez ntima, poltica y a la vez privada, que el lector no olvidar.


He thought that memories were invisible like light, and just as smoke made light show, there must be a way for memories to be seen.

"In October 2016, the Colombian film director Sergio Cabrera attends a retrospective of his films in Barcelona. It's a difficult time for him: his father, Fausto Cabrera, has just died; his marriage is in crisis, and his country has rejected peace agreements that would have allowed it to end more than fifty years of war.

Throughout a few revealing days, Sergio will remember the events that marked his lifeand that of his father. From the Spanish Civil War to the exile of his republican familyin America, from the Cultural Revolutionof Chinato the armed movements of the sixties, the reader will witness a life that is much more than a great adventure: it is apictureof half a centuryof history that upset the whole world.

Look Back tells of real-lifeevents, but only in the hands of a masternovelist like Vsquez could it become this devastating portrait of a family dragged down by the forces of history. A fascinating social inquiry; as well as anintimate, political, and at the same time, privatetale, that the reader will not forget.

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