Vivir Con Serenidad. 365 Consejos / Live in Serenity. 365 Tips
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Frente a la bsqueda incesante de la felicidad, Patricia Ramrez reivindica la serenidad como forma de estar en el mundo.
En Vivir con serenidad, Patri Psicloga nos propone 365 prcticas para avanzar en el camino de la calma. Elige un consejo al azar, practcalo, date tiempo y, cuando creas que se ha convertido en un hbito, ve por el siguiente. Aprende a vivir una vida de sosiego. Seguirs teniendo momentos de placer y de incomodidad, pero los afrontars desde un estado ms objetivo, menos intenso, ms flow, ms sereno. Y desde la serenidad todo se percibe en otra dimensin. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
Feel calm. Think calmly. Act with serenity.
Faced with the relentless search for happiness, Patricia Ramrez defends serenity as a way of being in the world.
In Living in Serenity, Patri Psicloga proposes 365 tips for moving forward on the path of calm. Pick a piece of advice randomly, practice it, give yourself time, and when you think that it has become a habit, go for the next one. Learn to live a life of ease. You will continue to have moments of pleasure and discomfort, but you will face them from a more objective state of mind, less intense, more flowing, and calmer. And from calm everything is perceived in another dimension.
Frente a la bsqueda incesante de la felicidad, Patricia Ramrez reivindica la serenidad como forma de estar en el mundo.
En Vivir con serenidad, Patri Psicloga nos propone 365 prcticas para avanzar en el camino de la calma. Elige un consejo al azar, practcalo, date tiempo y, cuando creas que se ha convertido en un hbito, ve por el siguiente. Aprende a vivir una vida de sosiego. Seguirs teniendo momentos de placer y de incomodidad, pero los afrontars desde un estado ms objetivo, menos intenso, ms flow, ms sereno. Y desde la serenidad todo se percibe en otra dimensin. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
Feel calm. Think calmly. Act with serenity.
Faced with the relentless search for happiness, Patricia Ramrez defends serenity as a way of being in the world.
In Living in Serenity, Patri Psicloga proposes 365 tips for moving forward on the path of calm. Pick a piece of advice randomly, practice it, give yourself time, and when you think that it has become a habit, go for the next one. Learn to live a life of ease. You will continue to have moments of pleasure and discomfort, but you will face them from a more objective state of mind, less intense, more flowing, and calmer. And from calm everything is perceived in another dimension.