Vida Con Mi Viuda / Life with My Widow

Vida Con Mi Viuda / Life with My Widow

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Una novela provocadora y divertida, perturbadora y enigmtica, profunda y vital. Premio Mazatln de Literatura 2005, Vida con mi viuda cuenta una historia de una muerte y todo lo que en torno a sta puede desatarse.

Vida con mi viuda es un juego de espejos donde lo real se desdibuja con el soplo de lo intangible y lo inexistente cobra vida en el lecho mismo de la muerte.

Una historia de misterio tan provocadora y divertida como perturbadora y enigmtica, donde el personaje principal, casado con una chamana indgena de Oaxaca, ve morir a un hombre idntico a s mismo. En el momento en el que se extingue el ltimo aliento del extrao, el protagonista de esta trama profunda y vital decide intercambiar identidades. Desea saber qu harn su esposa y sus hijos cuando l est muerto. Lo que no imagina es que tambin tendr que adquirir los terribles compromisos del hombre cuya identidad adopt.

Premio Mazatln de Literatura 2005, Vida con mi viuda confirma a Jos Agustn como una de las voces ms grandes, originales y profundas de la literatura mexicana contempornea, un autor en posesin absoluta de su arte.


A provoking and amusing novel, both unsettling and enigmatic, profound and vivid. Mazatln's Literary Prize 2005, Life with My Widow tells the story of a death and everything that comes to pass because of it.

Life with My Widow is a mirror game where reality vanishes with a breath of the intangible, and the inexistant comes to life at death's own door.

A story of mystery, as provoking and amusing as it is unsettling and enigmatic, where the main character, married to an indigenous shaman from Oaxaca, witnesses a man's death, a man that looks just like him. At the very moment that strange man draws his last breath, the protagonist of this profound, vivid plot decides to switch their identities. He wants to know what his wife and children will do once he is dead. What he doesn't realize is that he will also have to take on the terrible commitments of the man whose identity he took.

Life with My Widow, Mazatln's Literary Prize 2005, confirms Jos Agustn as one of the greatest, deepest, most original voices in Mexican contemporary literature. An author in full possession of his art.

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