La Vida Ahora / Life Now

La Vida Ahora / Life Now

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No necesitas ser perfecta, sino ser t misma.

La impactante confesin de la que todos podemos aprender.

"Hace no demasiado tiempo habra sido impensable revivir las curvas de una poca que no fue fcil, ni para la que creo que estuviera preparada".

Hay momentos en la vida en los que parece que lo tienes todo, que el mundo te sonre y que la suerte te acompaa all donde vas. Momentos en los que parece que todos tus deseos se han hecho realidad. Y esa ilusin es tan grande que, por el camino, te olvidas de todo lo dems.

La carrera de Adriana Abenia brillaba como nunca, pero un da algo puso su vida del revs. Durante aos guard celosamente aquel secreto, incluso se lo ocult a las personas ms cercanas, para que no fuera tan real.

Hasta ahora.

Tras ms de una dcada, no solo ha conseguido levantarse, sino tambin aprender de la cada. Porque todo vale para cumplir tu sueo?


You don't need to be perfect, just be yourself.

The shocking confession we can all learn from.

"Not too long ago it would have been unthinkable for me to relive the curves thrown at me during not-so-easy times, times for which I think I was not prepared."

There are moments in life when it seems that you have everything, when the world is smiling at you and luck follows wherever you go. Moments when it seems like all your wishes have come true. And that feeling is so great that, along the way, you forget about everything else.

Adriana Abenia's career was shining like never before, until something turned her life upside down. For years she kept the secret locked up, she hid it from the people closest to her, so that it wouldn't be so real.

Until now.

After more than a decade, she has not only managed to rise up, but also learn from that fall. Because everything is up for grabs when it comes to fulfilling your dreams.

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