Verde Fresco: rboles Asombrosos Y Extraordinarios

Verde Fresco: rboles Asombrosos Y Extraordinarios

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A portrait of some of the world's most incredible trees, seen through the eyes of a landscaper who loves them--and his granddaughter who is beginning to understand why.

Por qu, abuelo? Por qu?
Por qu me maravillan los rboles?
Djame compartir contigo ...

Desde el extraordinario rbol arco iris hasta las poderosas y altsimas secoyas, los rboles del mundo son un espectculo de diversidad ecolgica y adaptaciones sorprendentes.

En Verde fresco, un paisajista y su nieta se asombran con los diferentes tipos de rboles que hay en todo el mundo, algunos familiares, y otros un poco menos conocidos, pero todos extraordinarios a su manera.

Rebosante de exuberancia y color, es claro que esta oda a los rboles del mundo despertar asombro y alegra en ambos nios y adultos.

As he works with his young granddaughter to nurture a potted sapling, a Latino landscaper shares his love and admiration of trees. From the extraordinary rainbow gum tree to the mighty, towering redwood, each of the thirteen specimens he tells of is a miracle of the natural world--and some are strange beyond the wildest imagining. Brimming with exuberance and color, this ode to trees of the world--and the vast knowledge of landscapers and gardeners--offers a feast for the eyes, with author-illustrator Lulu Delacre paying touching tribute by imbedding seeds, fronds, and leaves within her art. Complete with an author's note, glossary, and further information on the featured trees, Cool Green will have readers eager to turn the pages to discover each new reminder of what a precious place our earth is.

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