Venganza / Vengeance

Venganza / Vengeance

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Tras Justicia y Solas, Javier Dez Carmona cierra su triloga noir ambientada en el Pas Vasco con un thriller implacable.

La inspectora Miren Ruz de Heredia ha aprendido una gran leccin: hay que desconfiar siempre de la primera versin de los hechos. Tras los funestos sucesos ocurridos en la comarca de Las Encarnaciones, Miren sigue pensando que algo no encaja, que hay alguien ms detrs de tanta sangre. Su obsesin es el viejo Osmany Arechabala. Pero para demostrar que el cubano tuvo algo que ver, deber dar con l antes de que lo hagan otros... Y es que Osmany no est solo en el punto de mira de la inspectora; son muchos los que no soportan que haya metido las narices en los turbios asuntos que el Bilbao ms oscuro y despiadado intenta ocultar.

Crmenes, corrupcin, furia y ansias de venganza marcan el comps de este thriller absorbente. Con un estilo impecable y una trama de excelente factura, Javier Dez Carmona pone el broche final a la triloga que lo ha encumbrado como una de las voces ms potentes del panorama de la novela negra contempornea.



In this follow-up to Justicia [Justice] and Solas [Alone], Javier Dez Carmona completes his noir Basque trilogy with a relentless thriller.

Inspector Miren Ruz de Heredia has learned an important lesson: Never trust the first version of events. She can't stop dwelling on the horrific crimes that took place in the district of Las Encarnaciones, nagged by the feeling that something doesn't quite fit, that there is more behind the bloodshed. She suspects the involvement of Osmany Arechabala, an elderly Cuban man, but to prove her case she'll have to hurry - because the inspector is not the only one interested in Osmany. There are others who don't appreciate his sticking his nose into shady affairs that the darkest and most ruthless elements in Bilbao would prefer to keep hidden.

Crime, corruption, fury and a thirst for revenge set the pace in this engrossing thriller. With masterful style and a seamless plot, Javier Dez Carmona puts the final flourish on the trilogy that has made him one of the most powerful voices in contemporary noir literature.

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