La ltima Actriz (Novela) / The Last Actress (a Novel)

La ltima Actriz (Novela) / The Last Actress (a Novel)

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Dos mujeres, dos pocas. Una novela que explora la identidad femenina a travs del tiempo y la memoria.

Aunque soaba con ser actriz, Sabrina termin por estudiar Artes. Impulsada por Gabriel --su director de tesis y su amante--, decide investigar las huellas del teatro judo en la Argentina. Para eso recurre a Jaim, un viejo profesor que le sugiere revisar los restos de los archivos de la AMIA, la mutual que sufri un atentado terrorista en 1994. "Fue en ese momento que decid que yo me iba a dedicar a ese pasado. No es que me llamara la atencin ese mundo, no ms que cualquier mundo: lo que me convocaba era que hubiera desaparecido".

La investigacin resulta trabada y difcil porque la mayora de los documentos volaron con la bomba. Hasta que un coleccionista le ofrece una caja y all descubre el diario de Jana, una actriz del teatro dish en la Buenos Aires de 1960. Su figura es una suerte de espejo mgico para Sabrina. Seguir sus huellas se vuelve una obsesin y todo lo dems --su familia, su carrera acadmica, su relacin con Gabriel-- pasa a segundo plano.

En La ltima actriz, Tamara Tenenbaum demuestra una inteligencia narrativa excepcional. Con dos personajes femeninos perturbadores y una trama tan elusiva como hipntica, esta novela trata acerca de ser mujer, del deseo y la realizacin, del mito del dbuk y la posesin del cuerpo, de la tradicin y la modernidad, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y de la bsqueda de una clave existencial entre un montn de papeles quemados.


Two women, two eras. A novel that explores female identity through time and memory.

Although she dreamed of becoming an actress, Sabrina ended up studying Arts. Encouraged by Gabriel--her thesis advisor and lover--she decides to investigate the traces of Jewish theater in Argentina. To do this, she turns to Jaim, an old professor who suggests she review the remnants of the AMIA archives, the mutual society that suffered a terrorist attack in 1994. "It was at that moment that I decided I would dedicate myself to that past. It wasn't that I was particularly drawn to that world, no more than any other world: what called to me was that it had disappeared."

The investigation proves to be difficult and obstructed because most of the documents were destroyed in the explosion. Until a collector offers her a box, and there she discovers the diary of Jana, an actress in the Yiddish theater in Buenos Aires in the 1960s. Her figure becomes a sort of magical mirror for Sabrina. Following her traces becomes an obsession, and everything else--her family, her academic career, her relationship with Gabriel--takes a back seat.

In La ltima actriz, Tamara Tenenbaum demonstrates exceptional narrative intelligence. With two disturbing female characters and a plot as elusive as it is hypnotic, this novel is about being a woman, desire and fulfillment, the myth of the dybbuk and body possession, tradition and modernity, the city of Buenos Aires, and the search for an existential key among a pile of burnt papers.

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