Tal Vez T / Maybe You: Serie T 2

Tal Vez T / Maybe You: Serie T 2

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Un futuro planificado. Un abogado seductor y canalla. Conseguir Elisa retomar las riendas de su vida?

Tras un desengao amoroso, Elisa est decidida a retomar las riendas de su vida e ir tachando propsitos de su lista de objetivos: seguir siendo la mejor en su empleo, casarse, formar una familia, mudarse a una bonita casa a las afueras...

El problema? Todava no ha conocido al futuro padre de sus hijos.

Pero ella no es de las que se rinden tras un fracaso y tiene muy claro qu tipo de hombre desea a su lado. Para empezar, uno que no se parezca en nada al abogado con el que debe competir en su trabajo, ese que est poniendo a prueba toda su paciencia. Jack Helker es tan atractivo como borde. A pesar de su sonrisa insolente y de que es el tpico hombre que debera venir con un cartel en la frente en el que pusiese no tocar , Elisa es incapaz de ignorar el deseo que siente cada vez que l est cerca. Y, entre rocambolescas citas, Froot Loops y noches imprevistas, empezar a reconsiderar que a veces perder el control tambin tiene sus ventajas.

Quiz la princesa no encuentre a un caballero a lomos de un corcel cuando se asome a la ventana de la torre, pero tal vez s tropiece con un seductor chico de ojos grises el da que se atreva a dejar atrs los seguros muros del castillo .


A planned future. A seductive and rogue lawyer. Will Elisa manage to take back the reins of her life?

After a heartbreak, Elisa is determined to take back the reins of her life and cross off resolutions from her list of goals: to continue being the best at her job, to get married, to start a family, to move to a nice house on the outskirts...

The problem? She has not yet met the future father of her children.

But she is not one to give up after a failure and she is very clear about what kind of man she wants by her side. To begin with, one that is nothing like the lawyer with whom he must compete in his work, the one who is testing all his patience.Jack Helker is as attractive as he is edge. Despite his insolent smile and the fact that he is the typical man who should come with a sign on his forehead that says "do not touch", Elisa is unable to ignore the desire she feels every time he is around. And, between bizarre dates, Froot Loops and unforeseen nights, he will begin to reconsider that sometimes "losing control" also has its advantages.

"The princess may not find a knight on the back of a steed when she looks out of the tower window, but she may stumble upon a seductive gray-eyed boy the day he dares to leave the safe walls of the castle behind."

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