Soy la arepa

Soy la arepa

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(Description in English below/ Descripcin en ingls debajo del texto en espaol) Sabes qu es una arepa? La has probado alguna vez o siempre comen arepas en tu casa? Sabes quin las invent, cmo se preparan y por qu se llaman as? Te atreves a preparar unas arepas de colores?A travs de un rtmico poema y hermosas ilustraciones, este libro te ofrece una breve historia de este alimento, que forma parte de la cultura de muchos pases de Hispanoamrica, especialmente de Venezuela y Colombia, y hoy se puede comer en cualquier pas del mundo. En este libro descubrirs porqu para el venezolano la arepa es smbolo de identidad y unin, referencia de hogar que lo acompaa a donde quiera que vaya. Hacer arepas para un venezolano es conectar con Venezuela desde el corazn. (Book in Spanish)Do you know what an arepa is? Have you ever tried it, or do you always eat arepas at home? Do you know who invented them, how they are prepared, and why they are called that way? Would you like to prepare some colored arepas? This book offers you a brief history of this food through a rhythmic poem and beautiful illustrations. Arepas are part of the culture of many Latin American countries, especially Venezuela and Colombia, and today it can be eaten in any country around the world. This book delves into the history of the Venezuelan arepa, a symbol of identity and union, a home reference that accompanies you wherever you go. Making arepas for a Venezuelan is to connect with that Venezuela that he carries in his heart.
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