El Silbido del Arquero / The Bowmans Whistle

El Silbido del Arquero / The Bowmans Whistle

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«Una novela breve que dialoga entre pocas, entre exiliados y vidas que recomienzan, entre dioses y hombres. En trminos del cine contemporneo, El silbido del arquero es el remake polifnico de un clsico, escrito con prosa expresiva y muy cuidada, que nos brinda pasajes profundos. -Jaime Panqueva

Luego del asedio de Troya, obligado a huir para salvar a su familia, el derrotado hroe Eneas recibe una visin sobre el futuro de su casta. Acompaado de un puado de sobrevivientes, se embarca hacia lo desconocido y naufraga en Cartago, donde es bien recibido por la reina Elisa y puede, al fin, atisbar la redencin de su estirpe.

Unos siglos ms tarde, el poeta Virgilio recibe del emperador Augusto la encomienda de narrar la gloriosa historia de Roma, enraizada en aquella primera aventura de Eneas. Indeciso por la forma de llevar a cabo esta tarea, el poeta se pasea por la ciudad en busca de la inspiracin, incapaz de ignorar la miseria que se oculta detrs del mrmol pulido de sus calles. El mito, la historia, la aventura, el romance y la guerra se entrecruzan en esta novela coral para recordarnos que el pasado est imbricado en las fibras del presente. Irene Vallejo da muestras de su erudicin y su talento narrativo con cada captulo, y ejerce un hipntico llamado a sus lectores para mirar con ojos siempre nuevos las lecciones que el pasado tiene para ofrecer.


"A short novel that dialogues between times, between the exiled and the lives they recommence, between gods and men. In terms of contemporary cinema, The Bowman's Whistle is the polyphonic remake of a classic, written with an expressive and carefully curated prose that offers deep passages." --Jaime Panqueva

Forced to escape in order to safe his family after the siege of Troy, the defeated hero Aeneas is granted a vision of the future of his lineage. Accompanied by a handful of survivors, he embarks to the unknown and shipwrecks in Carthage, where he is welcomed by Queen Elisa and at last glimpses at redemption for his family line.

A few centuries later, Emperor Augustus commands the poet Virgil to tell the glorious tale of Rome, rooted in that first adventure of Aeneas. Hesitant as to how he should approach his task, the poet rambles through the city looking for inspiration, unable to ignore the misery hidden behind polished marble in the streets. Myth, history, adventure, romance, and war intertwine in this choral novel to remind us that the past is embedded within the fabric of present time. With each chapter, Irene Vallejo gives proof of her erudition and narrative talents, and exerts a hypnotic calling to her readers to always look upon the lessons our past has to offer with a fresh set of eyes.

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