Sapiens. Una Historia Grfica 3: Los Amos de la Historia / Sapiens. a Graphic Hi Story 3: The Masters of History

Sapiens. Una Historia Grfica 3: Los Amos de la Historia / Sapiens. a Graphic Hi Story 3: The Masters of History

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En este nuevo volumen de la adaptacin grfica de Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen y Daniel Casaneve continan, con ingenio, empata y originalidad, presentndonos la complicada historia de la humanidad de la mano de un elenco de personajes fascinantes.

A veces la Historia parece condensarse en una lista de monarcas malvados, presidentes pomposos y dictadores ruines. Pero son realmente ellos los que llevan la voz cantante? Sapiens: una historia grfica - Los amos de la historia nos sumerge en un divertido viaje por el pasado de la humanidad para descubrir cules son las fuerzas que cambian nuestro mundo, nos unen y, casi con la misma frecuencia... nos separan.

Con Los amos de la historia, asiste en primera fila al mayor espectculo del mundo y descubre el auge del dinero, la religin y el imperio. nete a nuestra fabulosa anfitriona Heroda Tush, mientras se pregunta: Qu superhroe histrico tendr el poder de hacer surgir y caer civilizaciones? Demostrar el Sr. Azar que la suerte y las circunstancias prevalecen? Nos convencer Lady Imperio de la fuerza irrefutable de los conquistadores? O se adelantar Clashwoman a todos ellos recordndonos los interminables enfrentamientos que parecen asolar eternamente a nuestra especie?


This third volume of the illustrated adaptation of the internationally bestselling phenomenon, Sapiens: A Graphic History--The Masters of History, tackles the question of the driving force of humanity's fate: is it empire, money, religion--or something else entirely--that unites us?

Sometimes history seems like a laundry list of malevolent monarchs, pompous presidents, and dastardly dictators. But are they really the ones in the driving seat? Sapiens: A Graphic History--The Masters of History takes us on an immersive and hilarious ride through the human past to discover the forces that change our world, bring us together, and just as often... tear us apart.

Grab a front-row seat to the greatest show on earth, and explore the rise of money, religion, and empire. Join our fabulous host Heroda Tush, as she wonders: Which historical superhero will display the power to make civilizations rise and fall? Will Mr. Random prove that luck and circumstance prevail? Will Lady Empire convince us of the irrefutable shaping force of conquerors? Or will Clashwoman beat them all to greatness by reminding us of the endless confrontations that seem to forever plague our species?

In this next volume of the bestselling graphic series, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen and Daniel Casanave continue to present the complicated story of humankind with wit, empathy, and originality. Alongside the unlikely cast of new characters, we are rejoined by the familiar faces of Yuval, Zoe, Professor Saraswati, Bill and Cindy (now Romans), Skyman and Captain Dollar. As they travel through time, space, and human drama in search of truth, it's impossible not to wonder: why can't we all just get along?

This third installment in the Sapiens: A Graphic History series is an engaging, insightful, and colorful retelling of the story of humankind for curious minds of all ages, and can be browsed through on its own or read in sequence with Volumes One and Two.

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