Sanidad Divina

Sanidad Divina

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Toda enfermedad viene de manera directa o indirecta del diablo, no de Dios. Ests enfermo? Satans te enferm y no Dios, que es amor y misericordia. La ciencia sana mediante el uso de medicamentos, operaciones y otros medios que han tenido xito en muchas ocasiones. Sin embargo, Dios sana mediante el poder omnipotente del Espritu Santo y crendolo todo nuevo. Lee en este libro hermosos testimonios que hablan de ese poder sanador y de cmo Dios responde a los que esperan en l.

All sickness comes directly or indirectly from the devil, not from God. Are you sick? Satan made you sick, not God who is love and mercy. Science heals through the use of medication, operations and other means that have been successful on many occasions. However, God heals through the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit and by creating everything new. Read in this book beautiful testimonies that speak of that healing power and how God responds to those who wait on Him.

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