Gaspar va a pasar el verano de sus diecisiete aos en Santino, un pequeo pas al norte de Italia. Pero, en vez de estar tumbado en la playa todo el da, deber trabajar como ayudante de jardinero en el palacio real. Los das transcurren lentos y calurosos hasta que tiene un desafortunado encuentro con un chico que lo saca de sus casillas: Luca Calliveri, el heredero al trono de Santino, que nunca ha salido de palacio y que ha vivido totalmente ajeno al mundo real, sin nadie al que poder llamar amigo... hasta que aparece Gaspar.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The long-awaited new novel by Juan Arcones: a beautiful story about a summer love we all dream of experiencing once in a lifetime. Gaspar is seventeen years-old and is going to spend the summer in Santino, a small country in northern Italy. But instead of lounging on the beach all day, he will have to work as a gardener's assistant at the royal palace. The days are hot and go by very slowly until he has an unfortunate encounter with a boy who gets on his nerves: Luca Calliveri, the heir to the throne in Santino, who has never left the palace and who has lived completely oblivious to the rest of the world, without anyone to call a friend... until Gaspar abruptly appears in his life.
Gaspar va a pasar el verano de sus diecisiete aos en Santino, un pequeo pas al norte de Italia. Pero, en vez de estar tumbado en la playa todo el da, deber trabajar como ayudante de jardinero en el palacio real. Los das transcurren lentos y calurosos hasta que tiene un desafortunado encuentro con un chico que lo saca de sus casillas: Luca Calliveri, el heredero al trono de Santino, que nunca ha salido de palacio y que ha vivido totalmente ajeno al mundo real, sin nadie al que poder llamar amigo... hasta que aparece Gaspar.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The long-awaited new novel by Juan Arcones: a beautiful story about a summer love we all dream of experiencing once in a lifetime. Gaspar is seventeen years-old and is going to spend the summer in Santino, a small country in northern Italy. But instead of lounging on the beach all day, he will have to work as a gardener's assistant at the royal palace. The days are hot and go by very slowly until he has an unfortunate encounter with a boy who gets on his nerves: Luca Calliveri, the heir to the throne in Santino, who has never left the palace and who has lived completely oblivious to the rest of the world, without anyone to call a friend... until Gaspar abruptly appears in his life.