Renueva Tu Mente: Y Todo Lo Que Hagas Te Saldr Bien

Renueva Tu Mente: Y Todo Lo Que Hagas Te Saldr Bien

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Nuestra mente no se renueva por s misma. Se renueva desde el espritu, da a da, cuando Cristo vive en ti. Renueva tu mente, inspirado en el libro de Glatas, te lleva a entender el proceso de la verdadera transformacin permanente de tu mente. Comienzas recibiendo de Dios su capacidad divina, la valenta de Cristo, y una provisin extraordinaria en todo, lo espiritual y lo fsico. l se convierte en tu gua interior y te da sus fuerzas y sus recursos; te renueva con su luz para que seas la luz de los dems. Cul es su propsito? Que administres y compartas todo lo que Dios te da, y lo "gastes" en los seres humanos, para que se multiplique lo que recibes de l y puedas seguirlo dando. Vives con Cristo en tu memoria y andas en el espritu mientras ves da a da tu renovacin mental a travs de la vida de Cristo en ti. El objetivo final es que seas luz para todos.
Our mind does not renew itself. It is renewed from the Spirit, day by day, when Christ lives in you. Renew Your Mind, inspired by the book of Galatians, leads you to understand the process of the true permanent transformation of your mind. You begin by receiving from God His divine capacity, the courage of Christ, and an extraordinary provision in everything, spiritual and physical. He becomes your inner guide and gives you His strength and resources; He renews you with His light so that you may be the light of others. What is the purpose of it? May you manage and share everything that God gives you, and "spend" it on human beings, so what you receive from Him is multiplied and you can continue giving it away. You live with Christ in your memory and walk in the Spirit as you see, day by day, your mental renewal through the life of Christ in you. The final goal is that you be a light for everyone.
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