En El Reino del Toro Sagrado / In the Kingdom of the Sacred Bull

En El Reino del Toro Sagrado / In the Kingdom of the Sacred Bull

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Una historia de amor entre lo extico y lo primitivo, lo bello y lo atroz

«Jordi Soler es un narrador fuera de serie . -Delphine Peras, Lire

«Una imaginacin mgica y arrolladora . -Jorge Semprn

«Quiz regres porque en cualquier lugar era una criatura hermosa y estrafalaria pero no tena la misma singularidad, solo aqu era la reina, la diosa, la nica, solo aqu era lo bello que condenaba al resto del mundo a la fealdad .

Artemisa, una hermosa mujer de ascendencia griega, vive en un pueblo perdido en la sierra de Veracruz, en un territorio entre la realidad y el mito en el que el primitivismo de la selva y la civilizacin del mundo occidental conviven en un equilibrio complejo. All todos la desean, la adoran como a una diosa, pero cualquier historia de amor con ella est abocada a la desgracia: la que relata el narrador, cuando ambos eran jvenes, y la que tiene con un hombre mayor, violento y poderoso, que se enamora obsesivamente de ella. Obsesiva es tambin la relacin que Artemisa establece con un ser extrao y atemorizante, un animal casi mitolgico al que parece unirla una pasin desmedida que la precipita a un destino inhumano de traiciones y espanto inimaginable.

Lo extico y lo primitivo, lo bello y lo atroz, la mitologa griega y la del Mxico prehispnico se entretejen en esta novela en la que Jordi Soler, con una prosa magntica que deja sin respiro al lector, narra la barbarie y las relaciones de amor y dependencia que desatan en estas pginas una verdadera tempestad.


A love story between the exotic and the primitive, the beautiful and the atrocious.

"Jordi Soler is an exceptional storyteller." --Delphine Peras, Lire

"A magical and overwhelming imagination." --Jorge Semprun

"Perhaps she came back because she was a beautiful and outlandish creature anywhere, but she did not have the same singularity. Only here she was queen, goddess, unique, only here she was the beauty that condemned the rest of the world to ugliness."

Artemisa, a beautiful woman of Greek descent, lives in a village lost in the mountain range of Veracruz, in a land between reality and myth where the primitivism of the jungle and western civilization coexist in a complex balance. There, everyone desires her, she is worshiped as a goddess, but any love affair with her is destined for tragedy: the story told by the narrator, when they were both young, and her story with a violent and powerful older man, who falls obsessively in love with her. Obsessive is also the sort of relationship established by Artemisa with a strange and fearsome being, an almost mythological animal to which she is apparently attached by an uncontrollable passion that hurtles her to an inhuman fate of betrayal and unimaginable horror.

The exotic and the primitive, the beautiful and the atrocious, Greek and Mexican pre-Hispanic mythologies intertwine in this novel, where Jordi Soler narrates--with magnetic prose, leaving the reader breathless--savagery and relationships of love and dependency that unleash a true tempest within the page.

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