Qu Necesito Cuando Me Enfado? / What Do I Need When I Am Angry?
by Tania Garca
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Cuando Dami se enfada grita, llora, se tira al suelo, da patadas, se estira del pelo... pero NO se est portando mal, solo est expresando sus EMOCIONES. A travs de la historia de Dami, Tania Garca, creadora de la Educacin Real(R), nos explica qu necesitan los nios y nias cuando se enfadan, y, por tanto, qu deben hacer los adultos en ese momento para comprenderlos y acompaarlos, ayudndolos as en la creacin de su personalidad y su autoestima. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This is the first illustrated book for Tania Garcia, author of Raising Kids with Ease. When Dami gets angry he screams, cries, throws himself on the floor, kicks, pulls his hair ... but he is NOT misbehaving, he is only expressing his EMOTIONS. Through Dami's story, Tania Garca, creator of Real Education(R), explains what it is that children need when they are angry, and also what adults must do at that time to understand and support them, thus helping them create their personalities and self-esteem.
Cuando Dami se enfada grita, llora, se tira al suelo, da patadas, se estira del pelo... pero NO se est portando mal, solo est expresando sus EMOCIONES. A travs de la historia de Dami, Tania Garca, creadora de la Educacin Real(R), nos explica qu necesitan los nios y nias cuando se enfadan, y, por tanto, qu deben hacer los adultos en ese momento para comprenderlos y acompaarlos, ayudndolos as en la creacin de su personalidad y su autoestima. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This is the first illustrated book for Tania Garcia, author of Raising Kids with Ease. When Dami gets angry he screams, cries, throws himself on the floor, kicks, pulls his hair ... but he is NOT misbehaving, he is only expressing his EMOTIONS. Through Dami's story, Tania Garca, creator of Real Education(R), explains what it is that children need when they are angry, and also what adults must do at that time to understand and support them, thus helping them create their personalities and self-esteem.