El Problema Es Pensar Que Tienes Tiempo / The Problem Is Thinking You Have Time
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Cunto tiempo es suficiente para vivir toda una vida? Ese es el dilema al que se enfrenta Persfone cuando le diagnostican una enfermedad terminal Y tambin el jarro de agua fra que le hace darse cuenta de que vive atrapada en una rutina gris, en lo amoroso, lo laboral y lo personal. Quiz ha llegado el momento de darle un giro a todo y enfrentarse a la realidad: Solo le quedan unos meses para VIVIR. En maysculas. Sin miedo. Sin disculpas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A story that will wake you up and push you to fight for the life you want to live. How much time is enough time to live a whole life? That is the predicament Persfone faces when she's diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is also the wake-up call that makes her take notice that she is trapped in a gloomy routine, in love, at work, and in her personal life. Perhaps it's time to turn everything around and face reality: She only has a few months left to LIVE. In capital letters. Without any fears. Making no apologies.
Cunto tiempo es suficiente para vivir toda una vida? Ese es el dilema al que se enfrenta Persfone cuando le diagnostican una enfermedad terminal Y tambin el jarro de agua fra que le hace darse cuenta de que vive atrapada en una rutina gris, en lo amoroso, lo laboral y lo personal. Quiz ha llegado el momento de darle un giro a todo y enfrentarse a la realidad: Solo le quedan unos meses para VIVIR. En maysculas. Sin miedo. Sin disculpas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A story that will wake you up and push you to fight for the life you want to live. How much time is enough time to live a whole life? That is the predicament Persfone faces when she's diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is also the wake-up call that makes her take notice that she is trapped in a gloomy routine, in love, at work, and in her personal life. Perhaps it's time to turn everything around and face reality: She only has a few months left to LIVE. In capital letters. Without any fears. Making no apologies.