El Problema Es Pensar Que Tienes Tiempo / The Problem Is Thinking You Have Time

El Problema Es Pensar Que Tienes Tiempo / The Problem Is Thinking You Have Time

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Una historia que te har despertar y que te empujar a pelear por la vida que quieres.

Cunto tiempo es suficiente para vivir toda una vida?

Ese es el dilema al que se enfrenta Persfone cuando le diagnostican una enfermedad terminal Y tambin el jarro de agua fra que le hace darse cuenta de que vive atrapada en una rutina gris, en lo amoroso, lo laboral y lo personal.

Quiz ha llegado el momento de darle un giro a todo y enfrentarse a la realidad:

Solo le quedan unos meses para VIVIR.

En maysculas.

Sin miedo.

Sin disculpas.


A story that will wake you up and push you to fight for the life you want to live.

How much time is enough time to live a whole life?

That is the predicament Persfone faces when she's diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is also the wake-up call that makes her take notice that she is trapped in a gloomy routine, in love, at work, and in her personal life.

Perhaps it's time to turn everything around and face reality:

She only has a few months left to LIVE.

In capital letters.

Without any fears.

Making no apologies.

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