El quinto libro de la saga superventas que inici La ovejita que vino a cenar, que se ha convertido en todo un clsico de la literatura infantil: una historia repleta de valores como la amistad, la generosidad y la aceptacin de las diferencias. Un tremendo da de viento que amenaza con hacer volar toda la ropa, trae consigo una pequea patita. La pobre tiene un ala rota, y Estofado, el viejo lobo y Tortilla se encargarn de cuidarla hasta que pueda volver a volar. A pesar de que es pequea, Manzanita, la patita, no es ninguna damisela en apuros, sino que es capaz de hacer todo lo que se propone. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The fifth book in the best-selling series that began with The Lamb Who Came for Dinner; one that has become a classic in children's literature. This is a lovely story full of values such as friendship, generosity, and acceptance of people's differences. An incredibly windy day that threatens to blow away all the clothes hanging to dry, brings with it a little duck. The poor thing has a broken wing; Stew, the old wolf, and Tortilla will take care of her until she can fly again. Even though she is small, Manzanita, the duck, is not a damsel in distress; she is strong and capable of doing everything she sets her mind to.
El quinto libro de la saga superventas que inici La ovejita que vino a cenar, que se ha convertido en todo un clsico de la literatura infantil: una historia repleta de valores como la amistad, la generosidad y la aceptacin de las diferencias. Un tremendo da de viento que amenaza con hacer volar toda la ropa, trae consigo una pequea patita. La pobre tiene un ala rota, y Estofado, el viejo lobo y Tortilla se encargarn de cuidarla hasta que pueda volver a volar. A pesar de que es pequea, Manzanita, la patita, no es ninguna damisela en apuros, sino que es capaz de hacer todo lo que se propone. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The fifth book in the best-selling series that began with The Lamb Who Came for Dinner; one that has become a classic in children's literature. This is a lovely story full of values such as friendship, generosity, and acceptance of people's differences. An incredibly windy day that threatens to blow away all the clothes hanging to dry, brings with it a little duck. The poor thing has a broken wing; Stew, the old wolf, and Tortilla will take care of her until she can fly again. Even though she is small, Manzanita, the duck, is not a damsel in distress; she is strong and capable of doing everything she sets her mind to.