Pastores Que Generan Pastores: Descubrir, Promocionar, Desarrollar

Pastores Que Generan Pastores: Descubrir, Promocionar, Desarrollar

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Un libro que nos inspira a ser inquebrantables en cumplir la misin encomendada, ya sea pastoreando, enseando, evangelizando o ejerciendo otros dones y ministerios.

Pastores que generan pastores se acerca al proceso que todo ministerio cristiano es llamado a crecer, desarrollarse y multiplicarse. Tambin aborda el proceso de saber escoger, instruir, formar, delegar y, en su tiempo, hacer el relevo de personas y ministerios de una forma correcta y sabia.

A lo largo de este libro, exploramos cmo el principio de multiplicacin divina, instaurado desde la creacin, fluye en el proceso y crecimiento de su labor para nutrir el desarrollo del ministerio cristiano. Y con ello saber transmitir un legado y responsabilidad haciendo el relevo con conocimiento e inteligencia y, sobre todo, con un corazn de Dios.

En este libro, el reconocido pastor y profesor Jos Mara Baena nos da una gua prctica de las fases y pasos a seguir en la forma pastoral y formacin de otros pastores con:

  • Los ejemplos de personajes y textos bblicos que nos dan las claves o guas
  • Las etapas o fases del proceso: seleccin, formacin, desarrollo
  • Mentoring, acompaamiento y relevo ministerial

Recibir la llamada de Dios es un privilegio e implica responder a su voz, aceptar nuestra responsabilidad y aprovecharse de la oportunidad de contribuir a construir y edificar el reino de Dios en la iglesia, ministerios, familias, personas, almas, y seguramente, el de nuestras propias vidas, para que no sean en vano.

"Os dar pastores segn mi corazn, que os apacienten con conocimiento y con inteligencia" (Jeremas 3:15).

Pastors Who Generate Pastors

A book that passionately inspires us to stand unwavering in fulfilling the entrusted mission, whether it's shepherding, teaching, evangelizing, or engaging in other types of ministries.

Pastors Who Generate Pastors delves into the process that every Christian ministry is called to grow, develop, and multiply. It also addresses the process of knowing how to select, instruct, train, delegate, and, in due time and manner, make the transition of responsibilities and ministries in a correct and wise manner.

Throughout this book, we explore how the principle of divine multiplication, established since creation, flows within the process and growth of His work to nurture the development of Christian ministry. In doing so, we learn to transmit a legacy and responsibility by making the transition with knowledge and intelligence, and above all, with the heart of God.

In this book, the renowned pastor and professor Jos Mara Baena Acebal provides us with a practical guide to the phases and steps to follow in pastoral formation and the training of other pastors, including:

  • Examples from key characters and biblical texts that offer key insights and guidance
  • The stages or phases of the process: selection, training, development
  • Mentoring, support, and ministerial succession

Receiving God's call is a privilege; responding to His voice is our responsibility and an opportunity to contribute to building and edifying the Kingdom of God in the church, ministries, families, individuals, souls, and, undoubtedly, our own lives, so that they are not in vain.

"Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding." Jeremias 3:15

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