«Una escritora deliberada e inmensamente dotada que entiende cmo el trauma poltico se conserva para siempre en el cuerpo . --Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, The New York Times Palestina en pedazos ampla y profundiza la reflexin que Lina Meruane inici en 2012, tras un viaje a Beit Jala que constituira un paradjico volver a casa en nombre de quienes nunca pudieron regresar. Desde esa posicin acaso desautorizada pero polticamente comprometida, Meruane escribi la crnica que abre este volumen --«Volverse Palestina -- y continu escribiendo porque, como dira despus, «por ms que una ponga un punto final, la terrible realidad de la ocupacin ha continuado . A esas pginas se sum una segunda parte --«Volvernos otros --, una aguda y audaz meditacin en torno al lenguaje del conflicto, y una tercera, hasta ahora indita --«Rostros en mi rostro --, en la que se repiensa la identidad individual y colectiva impresa en las caras y en las lenguas as como los contrasentidos culturales que los cuerpos portan. Los tres textos aqu reunidos examinan pertenencias esencialistas, excluyentes, proscritas e inestables a travs de una escritura que funde el aire melanclico de la memoria, la agilidad de la crnica viajera, la irona crtica y el toque reflexivo a la vez que atrevido del ensayo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A grand book of reflections where the author blends her reads with memories of the land her ancestors were forced to leave in search of a new life.
"A deliberate and immensely gifted writer that understands how political trauma is preserved forever in the body."--Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, The New York Times
Palestine in Pieces broadens and deepens the reflection that Lina Meruane began in 2012 after a journey to Beit Jala, which would constitute a paradoxical return home in the name of those who could never go back. From such a position, perhaps lacking in authority but politically committed, Meruane wrote the opening chronicle for this volume--"Becoming Palestine"--and continued writing because, as she would later say, "no matter how much you want to write that last line, the grim reality of occupation continues." There was a second part added to those pages--"Becoming Others"--an acute and audacious contemplation on the language of conflict. And a third, never before published--"Faces on My Face"--where Meruane rethinks both individual and collective identities pressed upon visages and languages, as well as the cultural contradictions that bodies carry. The three texts gathered here examine essentialist, exclusive, proscribed, and unstable belongings through a narrative that unites memory's melancholic air with the flexibility of travel writing, critical irony, and the pensive yet daring touch of essays.
«Una escritora deliberada e inmensamente dotada que entiende cmo el trauma poltico se conserva para siempre en el cuerpo . --Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, The New York Times Palestina en pedazos ampla y profundiza la reflexin que Lina Meruane inici en 2012, tras un viaje a Beit Jala que constituira un paradjico volver a casa en nombre de quienes nunca pudieron regresar. Desde esa posicin acaso desautorizada pero polticamente comprometida, Meruane escribi la crnica que abre este volumen --«Volverse Palestina -- y continu escribiendo porque, como dira despus, «por ms que una ponga un punto final, la terrible realidad de la ocupacin ha continuado . A esas pginas se sum una segunda parte --«Volvernos otros --, una aguda y audaz meditacin en torno al lenguaje del conflicto, y una tercera, hasta ahora indita --«Rostros en mi rostro --, en la que se repiensa la identidad individual y colectiva impresa en las caras y en las lenguas as como los contrasentidos culturales que los cuerpos portan. Los tres textos aqu reunidos examinan pertenencias esencialistas, excluyentes, proscritas e inestables a travs de una escritura que funde el aire melanclico de la memoria, la agilidad de la crnica viajera, la irona crtica y el toque reflexivo a la vez que atrevido del ensayo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A grand book of reflections where the author blends her reads with memories of the land her ancestors were forced to leave in search of a new life.
"A deliberate and immensely gifted writer that understands how political trauma is preserved forever in the body."--Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, The New York Times
Palestine in Pieces broadens and deepens the reflection that Lina Meruane began in 2012 after a journey to Beit Jala, which would constitute a paradoxical return home in the name of those who could never go back. From such a position, perhaps lacking in authority but politically committed, Meruane wrote the opening chronicle for this volume--"Becoming Palestine"--and continued writing because, as she would later say, "no matter how much you want to write that last line, the grim reality of occupation continues." There was a second part added to those pages--"Becoming Others"--an acute and audacious contemplation on the language of conflict. And a third, never before published--"Faces on My Face"--where Meruane rethinks both individual and collective identities pressed upon visages and languages, as well as the cultural contradictions that bodies carry. The three texts gathered here examine essentialist, exclusive, proscribed, and unstable belongings through a narrative that unites memory's melancholic air with the flexibility of travel writing, critical irony, and the pensive yet daring touch of essays.